Heat oven to 375 degrees. Cook 6 slices bacon over medium heat in skillet until crisp, 5-7 minutes. Transfer to a plate and reserve skillet.
Butter a 9x13 baking dish. Divide 1# Italian bread cut into 3/4” cubes between 2 cookie sheets and bake until dry and crisp, 10-12 minutes.
Meanwhile, wipe out skillet and melt 6 T. Butter over medium heat. Add 2 medium diced onions, 4 thinly sliced ribs of celery, 1 t. salt and 1/4t. Black pepper. Cook until very tender and starting to brown, 10-12 minutes. Add 1/2 cup dry white wine and cook until evaporated. Transfer this mixture to a large bowl and allow to cool.
Add the bread, 2 1/2 C. chicken broth, 2 beaten eggs, the bacon, 16 shucked and chopped oysters, 1/2 C. chopped fresh flat leaf parsley and 1/2 t. salt to the vegetables and toss to combine.
Turn the mixture into the buttered baking dish. Cover with buttered foil. Bake for 20 minutes. Uncover and bake until browned, 20-30 minutes more.
0 servings